miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6 - Pirate Queen of Mars, Part 1 of 5: The Bird on the Coin



Greater and Lesser Helium are united behind Dejah Thoris. But just when things seem to be getting back to normal, Helium's precious supply of water begins running dry. Dejah heads to the Antarctic ice caps to investigate, only to find herself pulled into the deadly mysteries of the forbidden south. A swashbuckling adventure of sky pirates, renegade princesses, lost treasure and ancient curses begins in Dejah Thoris #6: The Bird on the Coin, the first installment of Pirate Queen of Mars!

TITULO: Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6
PORTADA: Joe Juzko
GUION: Arvid Nelson
DIBUJO: Carlos Rafael
TINTA: Carlos Rafael
COLOR: Carlos Lopez
FECHA: Septiembre / 2011
GENERO: Ciencia Ficcion
PERSONAJES: Dejah Thoris; Tardos Mors; Phondari
IDIOMA: Español

Tradumaquetadores: Sietesoles y W.D. (OutSiders)
Gracias a http://howtoarsenio.blogspot.mx
Gracias a http://www.comicvine.com
Gracias a http://www.comics.org

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