domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

Stephen King - The Stand


La Supergripe ataca al planeta matando al noventa por ciento de la población norteamericana. Los supervivientes se dividen en dos grupos, los que sueñan con la Madre Abigail (enviada de Dios), y los que tienen pesadillas con Randall Flagg (que encarna al mal). Se dividen en dos bandos antagónicos y luchan por su propia supervivencia y el poder que, a partir de la lucha, gobernará el país: el mal contra el bien. La Supergripe es sólo una reducción de personas para hacer más fácil la lucha.

The Stand (La danza de la muerte en Hispanoamérica) es una novela post-apocalíptica de terror y suspense del escritor estadounidense Stephen King, publicada originariamente en 1978. En ella, King re-elabora la trama de su cuento Marejada nocturna (incluido en El umbral de la noche). Es la cuarta novela escrita por King, una de las más conocidas a nivel mundial y en Estados Unidos es la ficción más vendida del autor. Varios críticos y fans consideran la obra como uno de los mejores trabajos de King.

En 1990, la novela fue reeditada bajo el título de Apocalipsis (The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition). En esta nueva edición, King recuperó parte del texto original, el cual había sido eliminado en favor de la brevedad. Además de agregar y revisar algunas secciones, el autor cambió la ambientación de la historia de 1980 a 1990, y puso al corriente varias de las referencias a la cultura pop. Además, la nueva versión contó con ilustraciones de Berni Wrightson.

En 1994 se emitió en la televisión estadounidense una miniserie basada en el libro, con guion del propio King.

TITULO: The Stand
AUTOR: Stephen King
GENERO: Novela terror, suspenso
AÑO: 1978
TRADUCTOR: Lorenzo Cortina, Rosalia Vazquez, Gloria Ponds
EDITORIAL: Plaza & Janes
TAMAÑO: 5.0 mb




Spider-Man is upset that Flash Thompson may be a rival for Gwen's affections now that he's a civilian once more. What's worse, he forgot to set his camera to take pictures of the fight he had against the Monks of the Light. In a fit of rage he throws the camera off the roof top realizing too late that he can't afford to buy a new one, but it is saved by an acrobatic man named Martin Blank. Blank, calls himself a freak, Spider-Man tells him that he's not a freak and he should embrace his abilities and not be a harsh judge of his physical appearance. 

Returning to the boarding house where he's staying, Martin reflects on his past and how his love of the Gibbon and the taunts of his classmates led him to join the circus as the human Gibbon. Eventually he couldn't take the laughter of the audience and ran away from the circus and took refuge in the city hoping to start a new life where nobody would laugh at him. He finally decides that after meeting Spider-Man he should do what he's been planning to do. 

Meanwhile, Peter returns home and changes back to his civilian identity. There he finds Gwen and Aunt May waiting for him. When May suddenly changes her tone when she catches herself fussing over Peter, Gwen tells Peter how she and May had an argument about how she is too coddling over Peter. Peter, too tired to do anything passes out in Gwen's arm and she puts him to rest of the couch. When Flash arrives to tell everyone he's okay, Harry asks him to walk Gwen home. Peter wakes up only in time to see Gwen and Flash leave the apartment and assumes the worst before dropping back to sleep. 

After a nightmare, Peter is woken up by Flash, and instantly calls his Aunt May. When there is no answer, he decides to rush out as Spider-Man to see if she's all right. Along the way he's stopped by Martin Blank, who is wearing an ape-inspired costume and calling himself the Gibbon. When Blank tells Spider-Man he's come in hopes that he can become the wall-crawlers partner, this causes Spider-Man to burst out in laughter. This proves to be a mistake, because the wall-crawlers laughing is the straw which breaks the camel's back for the Gibbon, who lashes out at Spider-Man. 

The Gibbon's attack is short lived, when Spider-Man decides that the Gibbon is misguided and not worth fighting, leaving a dejected Gibbon behind to blame himself once more for his failure. Neither are aware that Karven the Hunter has been watching the battle, and hopes to use the Gibbon as a tool for revenge against Spider-Man.

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TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #110
FECHA: julio / 1972
PORTADA: john romita sr. (lapices), frank giacoia (tintas)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Gwen Stacy, Aunt May, Flash Thompson, Harry Osborn
Villains: Gibbon (First appearance)
Other Characters: Kraven the Hunter (Cameo)
Locations: New York City: Peter and Harry's Apartment 
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Spider-Man's Belt Camera
Vehicles: None
ESCRITOR: stan lee
DIBUJO: john romita sr.
TINTA: john romita sr., tony mortellaro
EDITORIAL: marvel comics
GENERO: superheroes
TAMAÑO: 7.6 mb



Continued from last issue... Kraven the Hunter, who is still recovering from injuries following his battle against Spider-Man and Ka-Zar in the Savage Land, recruits the Gibbon to battle Spider-Man on his behalf. The Gibbon agrees to do his bidding, as Kraven appeals to the rejects desire to get back at everyone who's ever laughed at him. 

Web-slinging to Aunt May's, Peter finds a note there from her saying that she's gone away for a while. Spidey leaves when the police arrive, and soon Spider-Man is blamed for kidnapping May Parker. Spider-Man quickly quashes this accusation when he goes to Joe Robertson and turns over the note to him, which Joe convinces Jameson to publish when he confronts Jameson over his ethics as a news reporter. 

While at Kraven's lair, the hunter gives the Gibbon a potion that brings out his killer instinct and sends him out on orders to kill Spider-Man. Peter meanwhile has returned home and tells Gwen that Aunt May has left, but tells her not to be hard on herself because her harsh words to Aunt May were long coming. Deciding to search for his Aunt May. His search only puts him in the path of the now savage Gibbon battles Spider-Man, however when pressed to make the killing blow, the Gibbon is unable to do so and fights off the potions effects and passes out. Spider-Man saves him from a nasty fall and decides to take him to get medical help. Back at Kraven's lair, aware of the Gibbons defeat, Kraven stews over the fact that Spider-Man was once again able to best him in battle. 

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TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #111
FECHA: agosto / 1972
PORTADA: john romita sr. (lapices), frank giacoia (tintas)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Gwen Stacy, Daily Bugle Staff: Robbie Robertson, J. Jonah Jameson
Villains: Gibbon, Kraven the Hunter
Other Characters: Ka-Zar (Only in flashback), Zabu (Only in flashback), Gog (Only in flashback)
Locations: New York City: Daily Bugle Building, Botanical Gardens, Peter and Harry's Apartment
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Daily Bugle
Vehicles: None
ESCRITOR: gerry conway
DIBUJO: john romita sr.
TINTA: john romita sr., tony mortellaro
EDITORIAL: marvel comics
GENERO: superheroes
TAMAÑO: 7.6 mb