miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

V for Vendetta #8



One year after the bombing of the Parliament building, V destroys the Post Office Tower--effectively disabling the Eye, the Ear, and the Mouth. But what emerges from the destruction isn't yet the anarchy V envisioned, but chaos.

Book 3, Prologue
Book 3, Chapter 1: Vox Populi
Book 3, Chapter 2: Verwirrung
Book 3, Chapter 3: Various Valentines

ITULO: V for Vendetta

PORTADA: David Lloyd
GUION: Alan Moore
DIBUJO: David Lloyd
TINTA: David Lloyd
COLOR: David Lloyd; Siobhan Dodds; Steve Whitaker
FECHA: Febrero / 1989
GENERO: Ciencia Ficcion, Politica
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
IDIOMA: Español

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Great Sagas DC Presents: Crisis on Multiple Earths Vol. 2: Justice League of America #74 - Where Death Fears To Tread!



After the JLA learn of the JSA's crisis from Red Tornado, they leave to aid them vs. Aquarius. Meanwhile, as both Fate's and GL (Alan)'s energies begin to wane inside their bubble due to exhaustion, Aquarius saves them, but makes them his slaves. Under his control, they fight the JLA, and as Starman's rod energies begin to increase dramatically, an enormous energy ball forms, which threatens to kill Black Canary, trapped by one of Green Arrow's stickum shafts. Her husband, Larry, awakens from Aquarius's control and sacrifices his life to save her. Both teams then regroup and fight Aquarius and defeat him. Canary then leaves the JSA for Earth-1 permanently over her husband's loss.

TITULO: Great sagas DC presents
PORTADA: Neal Adams
GUION: Dennis O'neal
DIBUJO: Dick Dillin
TINTA: Sid Greene
FECHA: Septiembre / 1969
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
IDIOMA: Español

Escaneadores: Greg House
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Locke & Key: Head Games #5 - Head Games: Chapter Four



Checkmate: Dodge's surreal head games come to their shattering conclusion... with one troublesome player removed from the board. Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez continue the head games!

TITULO: Locke & Key: Head games 
PORTADA: Gabriel Rodriguez 
GUION: Joe Hill 
DIBUJO: Gabriel Rodriguez 
TINTA: Gabriel Rodriguez 
COLOR: Jay Fotos 
FECHA: Mayo / 2009 
GENERO:  Fantasia, Sobrenatural, Suspenso, Terror 
PERSONAJES: Kinsey Locke; Tyler Locke; Bode Locke; Dodge; Duncan Locke; Brian Rogan; Ellie Whedon
IDIOMA: Español

Tradumaquetadores: FroiKing (CRG

Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #7 - Pirate Queen Of Mars, Part 2: Past Masters



Dejah Thoris, on a mission of mercy to the south pole, has been captured by the Phondari, a dark-skinned pirate captain, supposedly from one of Mars’ moons. It turns out that Phondari’s impressive ship is much, much smaller than the one chasing her, and now Dejah Thoris is caught in the middle.

TITULO: John Carter: Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris
PORTADA: Paul Renaud
GUION: Arvid Nelson
DIBUJO: Carlos Rafael
TINTA: Carlos Rafael
COLOR: Carlos Lopez
FECHA: Octubre / 2011
GENERO: Ciencia Ficcion
PERSONAJES: Dejah Thoris; Phondari; Joktai; Xen Brega
IDIOMA: Español

Tradumaquetadores: Sietesoles y W.D. (OutSiders)
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The Amazing Spider-Man #208 - Fusion!



Continued from last issue.... Spider-Man has just been senselessly beaten by the Kingpin, who has left Spider-Man to his fate, having given up his life of crime for his wife Vanessa. The police find Spider-Man and bring him to a hospital, where a doctor treats him and makes sure that nobody unmasks the wall-crawler. 

While at the Restwell Retirement home, Dr. Reinhardt revels himself as the original Mysterio, and reveals to the Burglar that he faked his own death to operate in more subtle fraudulent ways, and that the his role as administrator of Restwell allowed him to swindle the elderly that he cared for out of their valuables. Hoping to get this treasure the Burglar has been trying to find, Mystery turns his illusion casting powers on the man, knocking him out and tying him up in the boiler room of the retirement home. 

While back at the hospital, Spider-Man revives and leaves in spite of the doctors orders to stay and get more treatment for his now-broken arm he speeds off for the Restwell Retirement Home, and soon finds himself victim to Mysterio's illusions which now appear more elaborate than ever. While at the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson has become even more irrational. When Marla Madison tries to talk sense into Jonah. Jameson then enters the board room where an investors meeting is happening. When the other shareholders of the Bugle question Jameson's recent decisions as editor, Jameson loses his temper and his fury causes a total nervous breakdown and he faints to the floor. 

Back at the Restwell Retirement Home, Spider-Man finally tackles Mysterio one-on-one, however he finds that his foe's new hypnosis based illusions and is easily knocked out by his long time foe. Reviving, Spider-Man has found that Mysterio has chained him to the bottom of the facilities wading pool. Mysterio then begins to fill the pool with water, gloating over how his old nemesis will helplessly drown. 

This story is continued next issue.... 
TITULO: The Amazing Spider-Man
PORTADA: John Romita Jr, Al Milgrom
GUION: Denny O'neal
DIBUJO: John Romita Jr
TINTAS: Al Milgrom
COLOR: Ben Sean
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
FECHA: Septiembre / 1980
GENERO: Superheroes
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
IDIOMA: Español 

Tradumaquetadores: (CRG - L9D - AT Comics - PRIX)

Tale of One Bad Rat #3 Road Pt 2 / Contry



"The Road." Helen Potter is on it, running away. Running away from incest and abuse. Running away from the city and all of its denizens who would take advantage of a young girl on her own. But in running away, she may also be running to something. For Helen, the road leads to "The Country," but also to herself.

TITULO: Tale of one bad rat
PORTADA: Bryan Talbot
GUION: Bryan Talbot
DIBUJO: Bryan Talbot
TINTA: Bryan Talbot
COLOR: Bryan Talbot
FECHA: Diciembre / 1994
GENERO: Novela Grafica
PERSONAJES: Helen Potter
IDIOMA: Español

WildC.A.T.s: Covert Action Teams #2 - Revelations



I/O leader, John Lynch, investigates the explosion that occurred near Washington, D.C. and finds Void teleporting in with the team of WildC.A.T.s. They then immediately teleported away, back to Emp's headquarters at the Halo company. Once there, they inform Voodoo about what's going on, how two alien forces, the Daemonites and the Kherubium, have been at war and have spread it, in secret, to the planet Earth. The Deamonites have the ability to possess other beings while the Kherubium have bred with Earthlings, granting people with superhuman powers. Before too long, John Lynch sends the Black Razors to infiltrate the WildC.A.T.s. and Lynch asks for their assistance. They soon learn, thanks to Voodoo, that the Vice President of the United States is actually a Daemonite and have to stop him. Unfortunately, the Vice President is being protected by members of Youngblood, a superhero force team. In the shadows, Gnome is pleased that he has planned all this to his benefit.

TITULO: WildC.A.T.s: Covert action teams
PORTADA: Jim Lee, Scott Williams
GUION: Brandon Choi, Jim Lee
TINTA: Scott Williams
COLOR: Joe Chiodo
EDITORIAL: Wildstorm Comics / Image Comics
FECHA: Septiembre / 1993
GENERO: Superheroes
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
IDIOMA: Español

Escaneador: CNavalon, Wildcats, Yonofui, Lord_Bezno (CRG)
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Revista Creepy La mejor publicacion de Terror #1



Creepy fue el título de dos revistas especializadas en historieta de terror: Una estadounidense y otra española. Al parecer, la edición estadounidense recibía cartas de lectores quejándose de la influencia española que se notaba en la revista, mientras que la edición española lo hacía respecto a la influencia americana.

La versión estadounidense apareció en 1964 editada por Warren Publishing. En su momento de mayor auge, "tiraba tres millones de ejemplares, que iban no sólo al mercado estadounidense, también a Canadá, Inglaterra".

La versión española fue editada por Toutain Editor a partir de 1979, formando parte del llamado boom del cómic adulto en España.

Portada (Enric) [en los índices esta portada aparece acreditada a Sanjulián, y fue publicada originalmente en el Creepy #79]
"La noche de la gallina", por Michael Fleischer (guión) y Jess Jodloman (dibujo) [publicado originalmente en Vampirella #71 con el título "Night of the Chicken"]
"El licántropo de cera", por Bob Toomey (guión) y José Ortiz ( dibujo) [publicado originalmente en Creepy #97 con el título "The Wax Werewolf"]
"Un negocio floreciente", por Bob Black (guión) e Isidre Monés (dibujo) [publicado originalmente en Vampirella #75 con el título "Business is Booming"]
"¡Exorcismo!", por Luis Vigil (guión) y Rafael Auraleón (dibujo) [publicado originalmente en Vampirella #70 con el título "The Terrible Exorcism of Adriennes Pomperau!"; aparece acreditado Bill DuBay como co-guionista]
[presentación de la siguiente historieta, con pequeña reseña biográfica de Reed Crandall]
"Los vampiros salen de noche", por Archie Goodwin (guión) y Reed Crandall (dibujo) [publicado originalmente en Creepy #1 con el título "Vampires Fly at Dusk!"]

TITULO: Creepy
PORTADA: SanJulian
COLABORADORES: Michael Fleischer, Jess Jodioman, Bob Toomey, Jose Ortiz, Bob Black, Isidre Mones, Luis Vigil, Rafael Aureleon, Archie Goodwin, Reed Crandall
FECHA: Marzo / 1979
IDIOMA: Español

Escaneadores: Rowlf, queqco, fot, runner, Luzroja, Xinxilla, eXodo, EBADU, Jajun, WILD, centinel, dardmaster, herart, Vizan, Homer96, Kikedemza, BLaCKiCes (CRG)

Avengers: X-Sanction #2 - Dawn


" DAWN "

Iron Man and Red Hulk are fighting with the remaining members of the Lethal Legion, Living Laser and Radioactive Man. After they subdue the villains, Iron Man notices Red Wing flying alone. He goes after the bird in hopes of trying to find Captain America and Falcon. He arrives at the docks where he finds Steve Rogers in a inhibitor chair invented by Magneto. 

He is then attacked by Cable, who is using parts of an Iron man armor from the future. Taking the fight to the Hudson River, Cable is unable to keep the Techno Organic virus that's killing him in check and Stark attacks him relentlessly. Knowing that every armor he has or ever will construct are based on the original Stark data code, he tries to shut it down. But Cable rewrote the codes using the Askani language that was only spoken in the future. Tony Stark is then defeated and was put in another inhibitor chair alongside Captain America, and Falcon who was in the Weapon X tube. 

While Cable explains to Iron Man that he's using anti-mutant weaponry against the Avengers. He is then shot on the back by the Red Hulk. Fighting the pain of the Hulk's shot and the Techo-Virus, Cable remembers his daughter Hope, and lets himself be consumed by the virus so that he can have the strength to battle Red Hulk. 

During the entire battle Cable remembers conversations with Hope in the Future where he explained to her what was like living with the Tech-Virus inside of him, and made the promise that he will never leave her and will always be there to protect her.

TITULO: Avengers vs. X-Men
PORTADA: Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines
GUION: Jeph Loeb
DIBUJO: Ed McGuinness
TINTA: Dexter Vines
COLOR: Morry Hollowell
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
FECHA: Marzo / 2012
GENERO: Superheroes
PERSONAJES:Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
IDIOMA: Español

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Revista Cimoc #2


Primera temporada de una de las Revistas de comics Españolas más recordadas centrada principalmente en el género de la ciencia Ficción, Fantasía y Aventuras.

Esta primera temporada fue publicada inicialmente por San Román hasta el número cuarto y posteriormente por Riego Ediciones hasta su décimo y último número durante los años 1979 y 1980 momento en el que la revista quedo en manos de Norma Editorial, iniciando la segunda temporada.
Pág. 1ª de cubiertas: Portada de Segrelles
Pág. 3: Sumario y créditos
Pág. 4: Actualidad CIMOC, por Joan Navarro
Pág. 6: El Hombre, de A. Segura y J. Ortiz
Pág. 22: Perros de Estroncio, de T. B. Grover y Ezquerra
Pág. 27: Presentación de El Mercenario, de Segrelles (en color)
Pág. 28: El Mercenario, de Segrelles (7 páginas en color)
Pág. 35: Delirius, de Lob y Druillet
Pág. 47: Sí o no, de Juan Núñez
Pág. 55: A Alex Raymond, de Esteban Maroto
TITULO: Revista Cimoc
PORTADA: V Segrelles
EDITORIAL: Ediciones San Roman
FECHA: Abril / 1981
IDIOMA: Español

Agradecimientos: Dovsis
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Futurama Comics #3 - The Owner Of Mars Attacks!


The staff of Planet Express shop around a flea market. Leela meets up with Inez Wong who encourages her (and Zoidberg) to start collecting "Needy Newbies", including inviting them to her weekly collectors meeting. Meanwhile, Bender meets Randy and makes a deal selling crap to him. At the meeting, Leela defends Zoidberg and gets in an argument with Mrs. Wong and threatens to prevent her from getting the last two Newbies she needs. Bender and Randy steal things from around the office. Leela and Fry go on a delivery, but take a detour to the flea market to try and beat Mrs. Wong to a Newbie.

Failing to beat Mrs. Wong, they find some parts missing from the ship at Randy's stand and buy them. Leela finds out where she can get the last Newbie. The Professor calls to inform her that the newbies are designed to join together and destroy humanity, which he discovered when her and Zoidberg's newbies joined. The ship is damaged on the way to the planet Nosferatu lV, Inez is already there, however Zoidberg bought it already, with blood which the seller intends to use to use as protection payments against the local vampires. Inez's car won't start so she gets a ride with the others in Zoidberg's hover-caddy. Against Zoidberg's wishes, the Professor demonstrates how the newbies join and Inez gives up collecting them

TITULO: Futurama Comics
PORTADA: James Lloyd
GUION: Eric Rogers
DIBUJO: James Lloyd
TINTA: Steve Steere, Jr
COLOR: Colorbot 3000
EDITORIAL: Bongo Comics Group
FECHA: Marzo / 2001
GENERO: Humor, Ciencia Ficcion
IDIOMA: Español

Tradumaquetadores: Robertuybrush, Bender B. Rodriguez, y Karrigan, wrperal, Jocco, el supremo (CRG), Comic-Boy 26, Dago (LFDM)
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300 #2 - Duty


" DUTY "

The word is out: Sparta is on the march. From farms and hamlets rally brave Greeks -- to face hellish war in the narrow mountain pass called The Hot Gates. The odds are long, and the stakes are high: All hope for human freedom hangs in the balance.

PORTADA: Frank Miller (dibujo, tinta), Lynn Varley (color)
GUION: Frank Miller
DIBUJO: Frank Miller
TINTA: Frank Miller
COLOR: Lynn Varley
FECHA: Junio / 1998
GENERO: Accion, Historico
IDIOMA: Español

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Ramones - Subterranean jungle


Subterranean Jungle es el séptimo álbum de la banda punk rock The Ramones. Fue lanzado en febrero de 1983. y trepó a la posición 83 en el Billboard de los éxitos musicales. Fue relanzado el 20 de agosto de 2002 en CD por Rhino Records.

Fue grabado en los estudios Kindom Sound de Long Island bajo la producción de Richie Cordelly y Glen Kolotkind.

Después de un 1982 inactivo en cuanto a grabaciones y el paso de un año sin sacar un disco, la banda regresa con uno de sus álbumes compositivamente más flojos, fruto tal vez de la agudización de los problemas personales de Dee Dee Ramone y Marky Ramone, y el desagrado de Johnny Ramone debido el rumbo que habían tomado en los dos discos procedentes. Marky Ramone fue despedido durante el proceso de grabación del álbum. Se le puede ver detrás de la ventana en la portada del álbum. En los vídeos musicales de "Psycho Therapy" y "Time Has Come Today," aparece Richie Ramone tocando la batería.


TITULO: Subterranean jungle
GRUPO: Ramones
  • Joey Ramone - Vocalista líder
  • Johnny Ramone - Guitarra líder
  • Dee Dee Ramone - Bajo, coros
  • Marky Ramone  - Batería
PRODUCTOR: Ritchie Cordell, Glen Kolotkin

  • Walter Lure - guitarra extra
  • Billy Rogers - batería en track 8
DISQUERA: Sire Records
FECHA: Febrero / 1983
GENERO: Punk rock
DURACION: 51:29 min
IDIOMA: Ingles

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