domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

Alejandro Jodorowski - La danza de la realidad


«Este libro es un ejercicio de autobiografía imaginaria, aunque no en el sentido de “ficticia”, pues todos los personajes, lugares y acontecimientos son verdaderos, sino en el hecho de que la historia profunda de mi vida es un esfuerzo constante para expandir la imaginación y ampliar sus límites, para aprehenderla en su potencial terapéutico y transformador. Ella actúa en todos los terrenos de nuestra vida, incluso en los que consideramos racionales. Por eso, no se puede abordar la realidad sin desarrollar la imaginación desde múltiples ángulos. Normalmente lo visualizamos todo según los estrechos límites de nuestras creencias condicionadas. De la realidad misteriosa, tan vasta e imprevisible, no percibimos más que lo que se filtra a través de nuestro reducido punto de vista. La imaginación activa es la clave de una visión amplia: permite enfocar la vida desde ángulos que no son los nuestros, imaginando otros niveles de conciencia, superiores al nuestro. Esta búsqueda me separó de mi Yo ilusorio, me hizo huir de Chile y me impulsó a buscar con desesperación un sentido a la vida.» Alejandro Jodorowsky

TITULO: la danza de la realidad
AUTOR: alejandro jodorowski
AÑO: 2003
EDITORIAL: siruela
TAMAÑO: 1.6 mb


SPIDERMAN DEL 1 AL 700 (#58)


Continued from last issue.. Having defeated Spider-Man in battle, Ka-Zar takes Spider-Man to the roof tops to learn the truth about why Jameson hired him to capture the wall-crawler. When Spider-Man revives, he finds that his memory has been restored, and so he tells the whole story. Ka-Zar believes Spider-Man but soon departs when Zabu is threatened by police officers in the area, Spider-Man slinks away during this altercation between the police and Ka-Zar. Meanwhile, Spencer Smythe has contacted J. Jonah Jameson because he has created a new Spider-Slayer robot for Jameson to use in his quest to capture Spider-Man. They send the robot out, which tracks Spider-Man down to his apartment where he is about to change back into Peter Parker. When he notices the robot, he battles it across the city. When Jameson proves unable to capture Spider-Man, Smythe takes control and sends the robot after Spider-Man determined to kill the wall-crawler. This is more than what Jameson wanted, and calls Smythe on the fact that he intends to kill Spider-Man for his own revenge, instead of turning him over to the police. However, Spider-Man manages to defeat the robot by luring it to a spider exhibit where it's spider-detecting device overloads and causes the robot to explode. With yet another failure with one of his Spider-Slayer robots, Smythe is thrown out of Jameson's office. Spider-Man returns to his apartment where he changes back to Peter Parker, on his way out to find out what happened to Aunt May in his absence. On his way out the door he bumps into Ka-Zar and Zabu, Ka-Zar tells the young man not to be afraid that they are only on an evening stroll.


TITULO: Amazing Spider-man Vol.1 #58
FECHA: 10 de Marzo de 1968
Featured Characters: Spider-Man, Peter Parker
Supporting Characters: Aunt May, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn
Daily Bugle Staff: J. Jonah Jameson, Joseph Robertson, Betty Brant, Ned Leeds Villains: Spencer Smythe
Other Characters: Ka-Zar , Zabu , John Jameson , George Stacy
Locations: New York City, Daily Bugle Building , Peter and Harry's Apartment , Professor Smythe's house , Forest Hills Hospital
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Spider-Slayer Mark II (First appearance)
Vehicles: Police Cars, Green Bus. Inc., Professor Smythe's car
DIBUJO: John Romita Sr.
TINTAS: Don Heck
COLOR: Mike Esposito
PORTADA: John Romita Sr.
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
TAMAÑO: 6.6 mb