miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

LagWagon - I Think My Older Brother Used to Listen to Lagwagon EP


I Think My Older Brother Used to Listen to Lagwagon es un EP de la banda de punk rock californiana Lagwagon. Tras tres años de silencio y varias giras, entre ellas dos por Europa, Lagwagon lanzó un EP, el tercero de su carrera, con 7 canciones, el 19 de agosto de 2008, cuyo título ironiza una vez más con la edad del grupo, uno de los más veteranos de la escena punk hardcore melódico.

Tomado de Wikipedia

TITULO:  I Think My Older Brother Used to Listen to Lagwagon
ARTISTA: Lagwagon
GENERO: Punk Rock, HC Melodico
INTEGRANTES: Joey Cape - Voz, Chris Flippin - Guitarra, Chris Rest - Guitarra, Jesse Buglione - Bajo, Dave Raun - Batería
DISQUERA: Fat Wreck Records
AÑO: 19 de agosto de 2008
DURACION: 17:04 min 
FORMATO: .mp3 
TAMAÑO: 37.1 mb

The Amazing Spider-Man #176 "He Who Laughs Last..!" #177 "Goblin In The Middle" #178 "Green Grows The Goblin!" #179 The Goblin's Always Greener...!" #180 "Who Was That Goblin I Saw You With?" Arc: "The Green Goblin Returns!"


Following Spider-Man's battle with the Hitman, the wall-crawler returns J. Jonah Jameson to his office. The publisher is less than thankful about Spider-Man's rescue attempt, and Spider-Man literally gives Jameson a spin after he chews out Spider-Man, before leaving. 

The next morning, Peter awakens to find that his arm is completely healed, he decides to go see his Aunt May and finds a note on her apartment staying that she's participating in a Grey Panthers protest. Going to meet up with her there, Peter witnesses Aunt May get into an altercation with a police officer, when she suddenly has a heart attack and passes out. Throwing the cop aside, Peter comes to her aid and he eventually leaves with her in an ambulance. At the hospital Mary Jane arrives to comfort Peter and to check in on Aunt May. 

After learning of Aunt May's condition, Peter and Mary Jane visit with her briefly before departing. On his way home, Peter happens upon Burton Hamilton's office and finds it in shambles. Figuring that Harry may have reverted to his Green Goblin persona, Peter decides to seek out his friend as Spider-Man. 

At the apartment shared by Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn, Flash returns home to find the place trashed and the Green Goblin present. Believing that it's Harry, back in his Goblin guise, Flash tries to talk sense into him when Spider-Man shows up. This leads to a fright between the Green Goblin and Spider-Man. The fight takes a turn for the worse when the Goblin grabs Flash Thompson and throws him out the nearby window. 

This story is continued next issue...

tomado de http://marvel.wikia.com

TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #176
FECHA: Enero / 1978
PORTADA: Ross Andru (lapices), Frank Giacoia (tinta)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Daily Bugle Staff: J. Jonah Jameson, Aunt May, Mary Jane Watson, Flash Thompson
Villains: Green Goblin (Bart Hamilton) (First appearance as Green Goblin)
Other Characters: Mamie Muggins, Crawford - police officer (Only Appearance)
Locations: New York City: Daily Bugle Building, Peter's Chelsea Apartment, Newhope Memorial Hospital, Dr. Hamilton's Office, Flash Thompson's Apartment
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters
Vehicles: Goblin Glider
DIBUJO: Ross Andru, Jim Mooney, Tony DeZuniga
TINTA: Jim Mooney, Tony DeZuniga
COLOR: Glynis Wein
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
GENERO: Superheroes
TAMAÑO: 5.1 mb


Continued from last issue... While fighting the Green Goblin, Spider-Man is forced to break off his attack when the Goblin tosses Flash Thompson out of his apartment window. Spider-Man rescues Flash, but the Goblin manages to escape. Spider-Man tries to figure out what happened, however Flash is as clueless about what caused the attack as Spider-Man is, and so Spidey departs to try and find the Goblin, whom he believes is Harry Osborn. 

As the Green Goblin returns to his hide-out and taunts his hooded hostage with the fact that he intends to become the new crime boss in New York, Peter Parker goes to visit his Aunt May in the hospital. Peter leaves telling MJ that he's returning home to study, but in reality he's resuming his search for the Green Goblin. 

Peter happens upon a gangland execution while changing into Spider-Man and breaks it up. After knocking out all the crooks, he finds an cryptic gangland invitation that he intends to follow up on. Meanwhile, Aunt May suffers another heart attack and when MJ tries to call Peter to tell him she finds that there is no answer at his apartment. 

Spider-Man learns the location of this underworld meeting: In the World Trade Center. Peter hides out in the vents to overhear the happenings. Silvermane arrives with a number of crime bosses with the proposition that they all amalgamate into one organization. The Green Goblin crashes the party, easily defeating all the men and makes them an offer: Allow him to become the leader of this new crime cartel, and he will reveal Spider-Man's true identity. 

This story is continued next issue.... 

tomado de http://marvel.wikia.com

TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #177
FECHA: Febrero / 1978
PORTADA: Ross Andru (lapices), Joe Sinnott (tinta)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Flash Thompson, Harry Osborn, Aunt May, Mary Jane Watson, Anna May Watson
Villains: Green Goblin (Bart Hamilton), Silvermane
Other Characters: Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) (Only in flashback), Gwen Stacy (Only in flashback), Murray Futterman - NYC citizen (Only Appearance), Lucille Futterman - NYC citizen (Only Appearance)
Locations: New York City: World Trade Center, Newhope Memorial Hospital, Flash Thompson's Apartment
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Pumpkin Bomb
Vehicles: Goblin Glider
DIBUJO: Ross Andru
TINTA: Mike Esposito
COLOR: Glynis Wein
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
GENERO: Superheroes
TAMAÑO: 5.0 mb



Continued from last issue... Spider-Man crashes in on the Green Goblin, Silvermane and a bunch of mobsters who are meeting at the World Trade Center. Spider-Man attacks just before the Green Goblin can reveal his identity. However, during the fight both the Goblin and Silvermane retreat. After beating the thugs, Spider-Man decides to depart. 

Meanwhile, at the hospital, the doctors tell Mary Jane that they have to preform an operation on Aunt May, but cannot do it without authorization from the next of kin. If they can't get a hold of Peter soon, Aunt May will die. Peter meanwhile, returns to his apartment unaware of his aunts plight, and tries to resume his studies after a visit from Glory Grant. 

Meanwhile, the Green Goblin returns to his hide out to taunt his hooded captive about his activities. As Peter gives up on his studying and decides to go back out looking for the Green Goblin, Mary Jane shows up at the Daily Bugle looking for Peter. Jonah convinces her to call Peter's apartment. Peter is just about to leave as Spider-Man when he decides to turn back and answer the phone. When he learns of Aunt May's fate, Peter tells Mary Jane to meet him at the hospital. 

Rushing there as Spider-Man, Peter almost makes it when he's attacked by the Green Goblin. Unable to shake off his foe, the disorientated Spider-Man is caught in a specially treated bag and carted off by the Goblin, while Mary Jane waits by Aunt May's bed for Peter to arrive. 

This story is continued next issue....

tomado de http://marvel.wikia.com

TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #178
FECHA: Marzo / 1978
PORTADA: Ross Andru (lapices), Joe Sinnott (tinta)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Anna Watson, Aunt May, Daily Bugle Staff: J. Jonah Jameson, Glory Grant, Robbie Robertson, Harry Osborn
Villains: Green Goblin (Bart Hamilton), Silvermane
Other Characters: Jerkins - Daily Bugle Employee (Only Appearance)
Locations: New York City: World Trade Center, Daily Bugle Building, Newhope Memorial Hospital, Peter's Chelsea Apartment
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Pumpkin Bomb
Vehicles: Goblin Glider
DIBUJO: Ross Andru
TINTA: Jim Mooney
COLOR: Glynis Wein
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
GENERO: Superheroes
TAMAÑO: 4.8 mb



Continued from last issue... The Green Goblin has captured Spider-Man as he is rushing to the hospital to sign forms for Aunt May's operation. After toying with the wall-crawler, the Green Goblin then dumps Spider-Man, literally, in a dumpster where he's found by mobsters who try to take him to Silvermane. Spider-Man revives and fights his way to freedom. Changing back to Peter Parker, Spidey rushes to the hospital just in the nick of time. He is however, chewed out by Mary Jane for taking so long to get there to sign for his ailing aunt. 

Meanwhile, the Green Goblin returns to his hideout to taunt his hostage once more before departing to eliminate Silvermane so he can get control of the crime rackets. Back at the hospital, Peter waits for Aunt May's surgery to be completed, he is consoled by Mary Jane, her Aunt Anna, and Joe Robertson. As Peter learns that Aunt May is going to pull through, he also hears of the Green Goblin attacking Radio City Music Hall and rushes there. 

Changing into Spider-Man, Peter gets into the middle of a fight between Silverman and the Green Goblin. When the Goblin tries to get away on his glider with Silvermane as his prisoner, Spider-Man tries to stop them. However, the Goblin's glider malfunctions and Spider-Man's web line busts, sending all three men falling from a fatal height. 

Finally, in the Goblin's hideout, his hostage breaks free, and it turns out that it's really Harry Osborn, and he is furious. 

This story is continued next issue...

tomado de http://marvel.wikia.com

TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #179
FECHA: Abril / 1978
PORTADA: Ross Andru (lapices), Mike Esposito (tinta)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, Robbie Robertson
Villains: Green Goblin (Bart Hamilton), Silvermane
Other Characters: Anna Watson
Locations: New York City: Newhope Memorial Hospital, Radio City Music Hall
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Pumpkin Bomb
Vehicles: Goblin Glider
DIBUJO: Ross Andru, Mike Esposito
TINTA: Mike Esposito
COLOR: Glynis Wein
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
GENERO: Superheroes
TAMAÑO: 4.8 mb



 Continued from last issue... Spider-Man, Silvermane and the Green Goblin are falling to the ground of the Radio City Music Hall. However, the Goblin recovers his glider, capturing Spider-Man and leaving Silvermane to crash to the ground. The Goblin then takes Spider-Man off to have his final revenge. While at the Goblin's hideout, Harry Osborn has freed himself and decides to go after the Goblin himself in a spare Goblin costume. 

Meanwhile, the Goblin has taken Spider-Man to the factory where he disposed of the Spider-Clone, and the two resume their battle. During the fight, Spider-Man manages to unmask the Goblin, revealing him to be Harry's psychiatrist Barton Hamilton. Hamilton reveals that he learned of the Green Goblin's devices through hypnotic regression sessions with Harry, and fancied himself to become the new Green Goblin. Knowing of Spider-Man's identity he was the one that took the photos of Spider-Man disposing of the Spider-Clone. 

Finishing his story, Hamilton and Spider-Man are surprised when Harry -- in his own Goblin costume -- attacks Hamilton. The two have a duel of Goblins, when Harry finally is sick of posing as the Goblin, he tears off his costume and proclaims that the Goblin is dead. Barton then pulls out a small explosive and threatens to blow them all up, however Hamilton stumbles over his own feet and becomes the only victim of his weapon. 

Once all is done and over with, Peter Parker takes Harry back to his apartment, where Harry is happy to find that Liz Allen has returned to him, Peter decides to leave the couple to some privacy and walks home wondering when he himself will find true happiness like they have.

tomado de http://marvel.wikia.com

TITULO: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #180
FECHA: Mayo / 1978
PORTADA: Ross Andru (lapices), Mike Esposito (tinta)
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Supporting Characters: Daily Bugle Staff: J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Green Goblin (Harry Osborn)
Villains: Green Goblin (Bart Hamilton) (Death), Silvermane
Other Characters: Liz Allan, Spider-Clone (Only in flashback)
Locations: New York City: Daily Bugle Building, Radio City Music Hall, Brooklyn Incinerating Plant
Items: Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, Pumpkin Bomb
Vehicles: Goblin Glider
DIBUJO: Ross Andru, Mike Esposito
TINTA: Mike Esposito
COLOR: Glynis Wein
EDITORIAL: Marvel Comics
GENERO: Superheroes
TAMAÑO: 5.2 mb