Imagine the end of the world. Now add a lot of people just going
crazy and killing everyone who stand in the way. And when the world
around you is just crumbling down, imagine now a nuclear bomb. If this
looks like the worst nightmare ever, hold on, because it could and will
go awfully worse because Garth Ennis is in control.
TITULO: Crossed
PORTADA: Jacen Burrows
GUION: Garth Ennis
DIBUJO: Jacen Burrows
COLOR: Greg Waller
EDITORIAL: Avatar Press
FECHA: Julio / 2008
GENERO: Horror, Suspenso, Gore
Tradumaquetadores: Fido, zombye kyd (Zomicz), Saga4Ever, Crist_Freak (KMQS)
Gracias a How to Arsenio
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