martes, 16 de junio de 2015

American Vampire #8 - Devil in the Sand, Part Three!Wwtjjb5K!wg_RtZMNSNVhHaaZjYluMPwCsyfCiZZDpnxriL4f8Gg


Vassals of the Morning Star reveal themselves as an old and very powerful vampire-killing organization. Members Felicia Camillo and Jack Straw work with Chief Cash McCogan to hunt down an ancient breed of vampire killing members of the Consortium of Four, the Boulder Dam business partnership. Meanwhile, Vassal members Abilena Camillo and Linden Hobbes confront Pearl Jones to ask a single question: how can they kill an American vampire?

TITULO: American Vampire: Devil in the sand pt. three
PORTADA: Rafael Albuquerque
GUION: Scott Snyder
DIBUJO: Rafael Albuquerque
TINTA: Rafael Albuquerque
COLOR: Dave McCaig
EDITORIAL: Vertigo / DC Comics
FECHA: Diciembre / 2010
GENERO: Horror, Suspenso
PERSONAJES: Abilena Camillo; Felicia Camillo; Linden Hobbes; Pearl Jones; Cashel McCogan; Henry Preston; Jack Straw
IDIOMA: Español

Traducción: Kingdom-X (LLSW)
Maquetas: 2020adm (LLSW), Arsenio Lupín (LLSW-HTAL

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